Outer Ankle

The outside of the ankle, referred to as the lateral ankle, contains vital structures to stabilize our limb and prevent rotational and twisting injuries that we can so easily sustain. When uneven ground is encountered or when we exert ourselves to test these support structures beyond their limit, supporting ligaments and tendons may be stretched or torn which can create myriad conditions. In many instances, the bone and cartilage can be fractured and crushed. Lateral ankle conditions are categorized into acute and chronic. The acute injury may initially feel better but, many times, persisting pain and swelling can lead to stubborn chronic conditions.

Acute Ankle Injuries

We all periodically sustain minor ankle sprains and bruises, and the pain and swelling from these injuries should subside with RICE protocol. However, signs that you may need to seek medical attention include

  • Excessive swelling
  • Excessive bruising
  • Unable to bear weight on injured limb
  • Pain that lasts longer than 7-10 days
  • Open wound from injury

If any of the above signs/symptoms are present, it is necessary to evaluate for a more serious injury such as a broken/fractured bone.

Our physicians at The Foot & Ankle Group are trained and take call at hospital trauma centers, with
experience from minor sprains to surgical care of complex fractures/injuries of the ankle and leg.

Furthermore, we are a trusted referral source for our podiatric and orthopedic colleagues for more
complex ankle conditions and prior surgery that has failed.

Chronic Ankle Conditions

Daily pain and discomfort in and around the ankle joint can originate from prior injury but may also manifest from the daily wear and tear that places strain on our joints, ligaments, tendons and  muscles.
Common condition to the outer ankle include but are not limited to:

  • Chronic lateral ankle instability
  • Peroneal Tendonitis
  • Dislocating Peroneal Tendon
  • Anterolateral Ankle Impingement
  • Ankle Joint Synovitis
  • Osteochondritis Dissecans
  • Talar Dome lesion
  • Peroneal Nerve Injury
  • Sural Neuritis