What Is Neuropathy?

NeuropathyYou've experienced stabbing, shooting pain in your feet for months, and you notice tingling and numbness, too. Could this be neuropathy? Check with your primary care physician to see if you have diabetes or other autoimmune problem, and then contact the Foot and Ankle Group in Philadelphia for treatment of your neuropathy. Avoid the disability and lifestyle-limiting symptoms of this nerve condition. Your team of eight podiatrists are experts in diseases, conditions, and deformities of the foot and ankle, and they can help.

What is neuropathy?

It's an irritation and deterioration of the peripheral nerves associated with the feet and hands. With neuropathy, comes miscommunication with the central nervous system and intermittent to continuous symptoms of:

  • Pain
  • Burning
  • Tingling
  • Numbness
  • Loss of movement and coordination
  • Loss of sensation leading to injury

Neuropathy frequently stems from serious health conditions such as:

  • Diabetes, and its characteristic blood sugar fluctuations
  • Arthritis and its associated joint breakdown and inflammation
  • Alcoholism
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Injury
  • Heredity (it can run in families)

Some cancer therapy medications also damage peripheral nerves, says the American Podiatric Medical Association. However, the APMA stresses that diabetes is the most common cause. Research shows that 60 to 70 percent of diabetics suffer from some degree of neuropathy.

If you have peripheral neuropathy...

See your podiatrist in Philadelphia or at one of the other three locations of the Foot and Ankle Group. Your foot doctor will review your medical history, symptoms, and medications. Plus, the doctor will inspect your feet, ask you to walk and note your range of motion.

Many people benefit from an individualized treatment plan to control their symptoms. Interventions may include:

  • Over-the-counter NSAIDS to reduce inflammation and pain
  • Prescription steroids to control inflammation
  • TENS treatments (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) performed in-office
  • Strict blood sugar control

People with diabetes benefit from the communication between the professional team at the Foot and Ankle Group and primary care physicians. Together with patients, they formulate ways to lower blood sugars to a healthy level, monitor feet for ulcer formation, encourage a program of regular exercise and more.

Learn more

Your podiatrists at the Foot and Ankle Group have a wealth of knowledge regarding the causes and treatments of peripheral neuropathy. Routine office visits are a must. To arrange yours, please contact one of our four locations in the Philadelphia area. We have early morning and evening hours for your convenience.